There is someone out there...
That's how it starts
That's how our relation started to grow
That's how we became friends
That was when I didn't know how we would end
Hug hello and hug goodbye
Hugging like friends
Closer and closer we grew
After a while we started to talk alot
Talk about everything
Really everything
Things that didn't even make sence
Things that made us cry
Things that made us laugh
Now it's more
But still I don't know
Our relationship crows stronger and stronger
24 hours go and 24 hours comes
We just go stronger
We talk
All day, almost all night
I don't know, but oh my God I wouldn't make it without you
I still don't know where we are
I don't know if I ever will
But wow how I wish I knew
Wow how I wish I knew you knew
Wow how I wish I could read your mind
FIN BLOGG BELL!!! <3 <3 <3
Ingen är nåt fel på denna blogg :) den är jättefin :)